Saturday, August 2, 2008

More photographs from last Sunday

My stint at the Summer School is over, the Origins 3 conference has finished and the friend who was staying with me has flown out to China for a month. Life has finally returned to normal! I'm busy around the house today and the rain makes the outside world a distinctly unattractive option anyway, so here are some more photographs from last Sunday (just within my self-imposed seven day limit).

Creeping Thistle
Family: Compositae
Species: Cirsium arvense

Plumed thistle, from the Greek word for thistle

Family: Verbenaceae
Species: Verbena officinalis

Once thought to protect against snake bites.

Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion'

Named in honour of the botanist the Revren Adam Buddle (1660-1715)

Sickle-Leaved Hare's Ear
Family: Umbelliferae
Species: Bupleurum falcatum

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